Kamis, 15 November 2018

Developing a Website of Linear Programming for Senior High School Students And its Effectiveness Based on Their Learning Outcomes

Muhammad Win Afgani1, Darmowijoyo2, Purwoko2
1Raden Fatah State Islamic University, Indonesia
2University of Sriwijaya, Indonesia


This study aimed to produce a website of linear programming. The subject of this study was students on third year of SMA Negeri 1 Palembang. The website was developed with four phase, that is preliminary study, designing, evaluating, and revision. To show the effectiveness, the website was tried to students in field test with indicator was students learning outcomes. The result showed the third prototype of website was the effective design when it was used on learning process with 51,28% students learning outcomes was in very well category, so the conclusion was the website that had been developed had effective potential when it was used in studying linear programming.
Keywords: Developing a website, linear programming, and students learning outcomes.


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