Kamis, 29 September 2011

Process for Solving Open Ended Math Questions

Open-ended math questions are problems that are able to be solved in more than one way. Students are required to explain their thinking when answering open-ended question. This method lets a teacher know whether her students grasp the reasoning behind basic math skills -- or simply mastered a formula. Often these questions take the form of a word problem whereby students provide a written response that contains the answer and process used to find that answer. Once students determine what the question is asking, there are multiple strategies to choose from that will help answer the question.

  1. Make a Table

    • Making a table is a way to solve math problems with a lot of information. A basic table is made by creating a t-chart or two-column graph to record the information from the problem. For example, a toilet paper company is able to make 16 rolls of toilet paper in 15 minutes. How many rolls of toilet paper will the company make in two hours? To solve this problem, make a table with 15 minute intervals in the left column and the number of toilet paper rolls in the right column. There are 120 minutes in an hour, so there will be eight rows on the chart. Fill in the values to learn that the company will make 128 rolls of toilet paper in two hours (or 120 minutes).Find a Pattern

    • Questions that ask students "what is the next number in the sequence?" or "which number will come fifth?" frequently require students to identify a pattern. For example, find the next three numbers in the sequence 2, 5, 8, 11. Students will identify that three is added to each number to get the next number and complete the pattern with the numbers 14, 17 and 20.

    Work Backwards

    • A problem that requires working backwards contains the end result of the problem. For example, Sarah spent $30 dollars during her shopping trip and left the mall with $18 in her wallet. How much money did she begin with? Working backwards, students will create the equation x - 30 = 18 and solve it to figure out that Sarah had $48 at the beginning of her shopping trip. While this is a simple problem, problems that require students to work backwards are found at multiple levels of mathematics.

    Draw a Picture

    • Drawing a picture helps to solve many open-ended math questions. Questions related to measurement, geometry and probability are best answered with this strategy. For example, if a question asks what the probability is of drawing three green marbles out of a bag that contains three green marbles, five red marbles and six blue marbles, a student might choose to draw a picture of the marbles and cross out three green marbles to visualize the problem.

Kamis, 09 Juni 2011


Jika suatu garis melalui titik A dan B, memiliki suatu kenaikan (perubahan tegak) sebesar a satuan dan perubahan mendatar sebesar b satuan, dikatakan bahwa garis itu mempunyai tanjakan a/b. Secara umu, untuk sebuah garis yang melalui titik A(x1, y1), dan B(x2, y2) dengan x1 tidak sama dengan x2, kemiringan (m) dari garis itu didefinisikan sebagai m = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1).

Kemiringan m adalah ukuran kecuraman suatu garis. Perhatikan bahwa garis mendatar mempunyai kemiringan nol. Garis yang naik ke kanan mempunyai kemiringan positif dan garis yang jatuh ke kanan mempunyai kemiringan negatif. Semakin besar kemiringannya, semakin curam garis tersebut. Sedangkan konsep kemiringan untuk garis tegak tidak mempunyai arti, karena akan menyangkut pembagian oleh nol. Karenanya, kemiringan untuk garis tegak dibiarkan tak terdefinisi.

Selasa, 05 April 2011

Mengapa mengalikan dua angka negatif menjadi positif?

Penjelasan umum :

Jika saya berkata "Makan", saya mempersilahkan anda untuk makan (positif), tetapi jika saya berkata "Jangan Makan", saya mengatakan kebalikannya (negatif).

Maka, jika saya berkata "Jangan Jangan Makan" , artinya saya berkata "Makan".

Penjelasan khusus :

Ingat kembali Garis Bilangan !!!


Sumber : http://www.mathsisfun.com/multiplying-negatives.html

Senin, 04 April 2011

what is wolframalpha?

Wolfram|Alpha introduces a fundamentally new way to get knowledge and answers—

not by searching the web, but by doing dynamic computations based on a vast collection of built-in data, algorithms, and methods.

Wolfram|Alpha's long-term goal is to make all systematic knowledge immediately computable and accessible to everyone.

Source : http://www.wolframalpha.com

Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

Cara MemBuka Situs Yang Di Blokir

Anda masuk ke GOOGLE (Mesin Search Engine terbesar) dulu, kemudian anda ketikkan “anonymous proxy“, trus search. Nanti akan tampak banyak situs yang ditampilkan dari hasil pencarian. Dan disarankan, anda memilih dari layanan “YOUHIDE.COM” , karena layanan dari youhide.com lebih cepat.

Setelah kamu sudah masuk di www.youhide.com ketikan “http://youtube.com” kemudian pilih pada pilihan “SUBMIT” nanti kamu akan otomatis masuk ke layanan youtube denagn menggunakan Proxy dari Mereka.

Sumber : http://www.d60pc.info/cara-membuka-situs-yang-di-blokir/352

Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

MyTembangPisaan230111-Pantun Komering

Adok tininggal akas

Asal buai pumuka

Sijasa guai lebas

Adok Diwa Negara


Diwa Negara sakti

Ganta kok bumirua

Ya kasih rik bujadi

Yaja pununggunua


Adok Ratu Berdiri

Tutukan dilomnua

Ya patuh rik bujadi

Mak wat nganggap mentuha


Asal jak Lubuk Linggau

Ganta kok wat pundamping

Satuah ngusung helau

Pundamping jak Kemering


Sakasih papa mama

Tungguk sijangka jaman

Dang lupa rik Ibu Bapa

Niku sai haga ngandan


Koh-koh dikuti rua

Nak bai jama muhani

Amon sikam kok tuha

Serah sirin dikuti


Sa koh-koh akas Diwa

Dikunyin-kunyin kuti

Hurik dilom dunia

Mak wat kekal abadi

Najin tetel sarjana

Mak wat haga nyukupi

Sembahyang dang haga lupa

Ibot ram duda tini


Sija koh-koh jak umbai

Dang lupa jama iman

Tamong nyemberang sungai

Dang mak sanga apungan


Tamong niku kok nikah

Akas mak wat nengani

Tapi nyak mejong diluah

Mak wat diliak kuti


Alamku kok burubah

Akas kok mena mati

Salah akas sanayah

Tulung doa kon kuti


Dang lupa luah-luah

Amon kok radu gawi

Amon niku kok kiwah

Akuk kon akas haji


Amon malam jum’at

Malaikat ku mulang

Kunyin kuti mak nyambat

Nyak muloh sua miwang


Sija haropan hamba

Wat salah kimaapan

Amon radu budoa

Kunyin yudang mak mengan