Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

Dividing a fraction by a fraction

The cookie scenario below is an excellent example to visualize why
dividing a whole number by a fraction causes the answer to be
larger than the original whole number. But what about dividing a
fraction by a fraction? The scenario becomes incomprehensible when
the "5 cookies" become a half a cookie.

Do you have another example/scenario that can help students visualize
a problem such as:

1/3 / 1/2 = 2/3

The abstract concepts have been explained tremendously. Is there a
concrete way? If I have a third of a pie, and I want to divide that

third of a pie by 1/2, why does the answer become 2/3 of the pie??

Answer :

Lots of people find this confusing. If you divide 5 by 2, the
answer is 2.5. If you divide 5 by 1/2, do you expect the same thing
as dividing by 2?

If you divide by a number bigger than 1, it always reduces the number.
If you divide by 1, it doesn't change anything. Does that make you
think that dividing by a fraction less than 1 should INCREASE the

How many kids can you serve with 5 cookies if each kid gets 2 cookies?
You can serve 2 kids (with enough left over for 1/2 a kid).

How many kids can you serve with 5 cookies if each kid gets 1/2 a
cookie? That's 5 divided by 1/2.

Maybe you could think about it this way. For the 5/2 = 2.5 you
could think of how many 2-cookie servings you can make out of
5 cookies. You get two full 2-cookie servings plus half of a
2-cookie serving. For the 5/half = 10 you could think of how
many half-cookie servings you could get out of 5 cookies.

For the (1/3)/(1/2) = 2/3 it's probably clearer to write it as
(2/6)/(3/6) = 2/3 and ask how times you could get a (3/6)-cookie
serving out of 2/6 of a cookie. You can't! You get **zero**
(3/6)-cookie servings. But you can get PART OF A (3/6)-cookie
serving. In fact you get exactly "two thirds of a (3/6)-cookie
serving. I'll leave it up to you to decide whether what I just
said is incomprehensible.

It may be clearer to keep it (1/3)/(1/2) = 2/3. Then say,
"how many cookie-halves can you get out of a third of
a cookie?" The answer would then be, "You can't get ANY cookie-
halves out of a third of a cookie, BUT you CAN get two thirds of
a cookie-half from a third of a cookie.

Source : mathforum

Senin, 03 Mei 2010

Distribusi Binomial

Distribusi binomial atau distribusi Bernoulli (ditemukan oleh James Bernoulli) adalah suatu distribusi teoritis yang menggunakan variabel random diskrit yang terdiri dari dua kejadian yang berkomplemen, seperti sukses-gagal, ya-tidak, baik-cacat, kepala-ekor.

Distribusi ini memiliki ciri-ciri berikut :

1) Setiap percobaan hanya memiliki dua peristiwa

2) Probabilitas satu peristiwa adalah tetap, tidak berubah untuk setiap percobaan.

3) Percobaannya bersifat independen, artinya peristiwa dari suatu percobaan tidak mempengaruhi atau dipengaruhi peristiwa dalam percobaan lainnya.

4) Jumlah atau banyaknya percobaan yang merupakan komponen percobaan binomial harus tertentu.

Sumber : Hasan, Iqbal. 2005. Pokok-Pokok Materi Statistik 2 (Statistik Inferensif). Jakarta : Bumi Aksara.